Customer: Seven.One Media GmbH
Amount CO2 in t: 86.0 to.
Date: 16.01.2023
Carbon Credits:
- The Envira Amazonia Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil, REDD+, VCS/CCB (Gold)
- Improved Kitchen Regimes Manica Province, Mozambique, Safe Water Project, Gold Standard VER
Purpose: On behalf of Seven.One Media GmbH (Germany) 86 tCO2e were retired. Seven.One Media GmbH uses the carbon credits to compensate for its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, which are generated when customers place their advertisements. The utilisation period begins in January 2023.
Retirement Statements:
- VCS Register: https://registry.verra.org/myModule/rpt/myrpt.asp?r=206&h=171806
- Gold Standard Register: https://registry.goldstandard.org/credit-blocks/details/321701
Amount CO2 in t: 86.0 to.
Date: 16.01.2023
Carbon Credits:
- The Envira Amazonia Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil, REDD+, VCS/CCB (Gold)
- Improved Kitchen Regimes Manica Province, Mozambique, Safe Water Project, Gold Standard VER
Purpose: On behalf of Seven.One Media GmbH (Germany) 86 tCO2e were retired. Seven.One Media GmbH uses the carbon credits to compensate for its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, which are generated when customers place their advertisements. The utilisation period begins in January 2023.
Retirement Statements:
- VCS Register: https://registry.verra.org/myModule/rpt/myrpt.asp?r=206&h=171806
- Gold Standard Register: https://registry.goldstandard.org/credit-blocks/details/321701